Friday, September 9, 2022

Pindaya Cave

 Pindaya Cave

        Pindaya cave is located in Shan State near Kalaw. It takes nearly two hour drive from Kalaw to reach there.

The signification of the cave is its position located in the middle of the steep mountain, vertically upward and nearly 90 degree upward. The way to reach the cave is by  two elevators and also by stairway to the cave.

From the middle of the mountain uphill, one can enjoy the breathtaking landscape and spectacular scenery  of Pone Ta Loke lake and beautiful greenish mountain ranges that will take away your travel sickness.

 Approximately  fourty nine feet inch tall pagoda was said to be built at the entrance of the cave by King Asoka, the great emperor of India, who sent as a missionary to propagate Buddhism in many places, showing the evidence of ancient relationship between India and Myanmar on Buddhism and culture.


 The entrance of Pindaya Cave

Greenwich mountain Ranges seen from the Cave Uphill

Insight of the cave inside

           Inside of the cave, there existed various sizes of  8000 Buddha Images donated successively through out the time by Myanmar Citizens since 18th century. There are the inscription of date written on the images dating back to 18th century and the cave  become Buddhist pilgrimage and attractions to tourist. The interior of the cave extend for about 490 feet pathway one can walk around and the height of the cave maybe nearly 100ft.


Legend and Mythology

        Not only the location and scene of the cave is unique and spectacular but also there also comes by the interesting history of it just like the Greek mythology.  Long time ago, there was a prince named Kummabaya who was strong and brave. One day, seven princessess of the Ngwe Taung Country came to Pone Ta Loke lake to swim. With the passing of time, it was getting late and the seven  princesses looked for a place to stay and found the Pindaya Cave. Then they decided to stay there overnight. When knowing the seven princesses staying there overnight, then the giant spider came to the cave and blocked the entrance of the cave with its   web and closed it. Next day in the morning, the prince came near the lake and heard the seven princesses shouting for help. The princesses begged  the prince for life to save them.

Princesses promised to give their youngest sister to him if he saved their lives.

               Fighting with the giant spider

  After hearing the seven princesses words, the Prince looked for the spider which was so big and venomous. He shot the giant spider with an arrow and the giant spider got killed. That is why this place is called Pin-Ku-Ya, meaning that Pin-Ku means spider and Ya means killed and conquered. After passing a long time, the name changed from Pin-Ku-Ya to Pindaya now. The seven princesses gave their youngest sister to the Prince as his wife.

                           Believe it Or Not 

     According to the legend, the seven princesses can fly back to their country with their wings. Believe it or not, they can fly with wings that would make things unbelievable to hear for now.

Most interestingly, there is a saying that there is a secret cave hole in Pindaya Cave leading to the passage to Bagan which is nearly 124 miles from Pindaya Cave. Whether it is true or not, it was said that a young novice monk entering the secret hole of the cave reached Bagan along time ago.

The Giant Spider per Legend that blocked the entrance of the Cave

Prince Kummarbaya shooting arrows at the Giant Spider

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Kyaikkhami Pagoda (Yele Pagoda)

Kyaikkhami Pagoda

 (Yele Pagoda)

       Kyaikkhami Pagoda is situated in Mon State near Malamyine city, Myanmar. Not only it is well known and famous for local pilgrimage and it also enticed every one for the incredible position located in the sea side of Andaman close to the Gulf of Moattama. The word 'YeLe' means Situated in the middle of water.
          Kyaikkhami Pagoda is powerful and a wonder for Buddhist because no matter how strong stormy and windy the weather is, the tidal waves never overcome more than one feet of the Pagoda's base compound. And it is also located in Sea water. The breathtaking scenery of the  view from the Pagoda describe the bluish endless sea,
also attracting the attention of visitors for newish experience.
          It is best for you to experience the view of the Pagoda from the view point of Kyaikkhami in noon and midnight while the tidal waves reach its climax.

          The reason why you should see in noon at 12 am  is that the tidal wave at its climax coming to the Pagoda become shallowing beneath the base while the surrounding areas of tidal wave's height are high as you can see it from view point a little far from it.

                   I think it will be a spectacular view for you to experience
 the extraordinary phenomena, the breathtaking and eyes catching scenic beauty of the Pagoda and Endless deep blue Sea.

Photo credit Su Su Mar Twin


Thank you by  AK2001

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ananda Pagoda and The King Kyansitthar

Ananda Pagoda and The King Kyansitthar


      Bagan is the place , the well known prestigious, religious  one and one of the historic World heritage sites of UNESCO lately, prevailing the image of ancient Myanmar people and it's devotion to Buddhism and where the Ananda Pagoda is located. Bagan is also the image of  ancient Myanmar architectural design and represent the culture of Royal Dynasty of Bagan encompassing the interesting Grand History of Myanmar People. Talking about the history of Ananda Pagoda, there come the Great Hero of Bagan Era, King Kyansitthar, who is the founder of the Ananda Pagoda.

King Kyansitthar

              He is one of the greatest warrior of Ancient Myanmar History and also recognised as one of the four Heroes of Bagan Era and became King as a predessor of King Anawrahtar, the Great founder and emperor of the Myanmar Country. 
              Why  the King Kyansitthar is almost famous to the people of Myanmar until now is not just bravery and fighting ability but also the power of his almighty.
Also, there is an interesting Love story between King Kyansitthar and princess ManiSandar.

              When Bago was attacked by enemies, King of Bago asked for  reinforcement from Bagan King Anawrahtar. Anawrahtar sent the four Heroes of Bagan,including Kyansitthar, to Bago and enemies were defeated with the help of the
four Heroes. As a matter of gratitude and thanks, Bago King presented his sister as a bride to the King Anawrahtar.On the way back to Bagan,
Kyansisthar and ManiSandar became falling in love with each other. Kyansisthar was arrested for that reason.  When he was brought to King Anawrahtar, the King threw with Araindamar Spear
at him. But the Araindamar Spear missed the target and cut off the rope tied to Kyansisthar. Suddenly , Kyansisthar picked up the Araindamar Spear and then he run away and escaped.


           As Kyansisthar was searched and tried to get arrested by the King's men, he run away until he reached Sagaing hill from where he jumped out to Mandalay hill passing cross the Ayeyarwaddy River, which width is nearly half a mile. Hence, you can also find the footprint of Kyansisthar and a small hole nearby made by the Araindamar Spear until now in Mandalay Hill. It was impossible for someone to cross the Ayeyarwaddy river whilst Kyansisthar did it.

Places to travel in Myanmar

Places to travel in Myanmar
Places to travel in Myanmar

Places to travel in Myanmar

Places to travel in Myanmar

Places to travel in Myanmar

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Friday, November 15, 2019

Zalun Pagoda

                      Zalun Pagoda

On the very first day of our Myanmar new year's day,my wife and I went to the Zalun pagoda.And I found out some interesting history of Zalun Pagoda,known to be the famous pagoda which is carried away to India,Bombay under British regime over Burma(Myanmar) and it came back from India.And it is said to be Country returning(home returning ) pagoda.The true history goes like this.When British occupied Burma in ancient time,this pagoda is carried away to India,Bombay and they tried to destroy this Buddha Image to make weapons.But the people who tried to destroy this pagoda became dead due to cholera and vomiting blood from their mouth but the pagoda emitting rays not damaged and destroyed regardless of their efforts .Suddenly at the time the Queen of England came to visit India and She had unexpectedly suffered from severe headache.No matter how hard they tried to cure this disease with professional physicians and doctors,the Queen didn't recover from her disease.At one night,the Queen saw a strange dream.In this dream,she was told that this pagoda must be returned to its original place and if she didn't do as she was told, she would suffer a bad consequences in the near future and her country would be destroyed and suffered from various catastrophes.The queen woke up and asked her men to find this pagoda and they found this pagoda in India.She ordered her men to take back this pagoda to Burma from India.After our holy pagoda was brought back to our country Burma,the Queen of England recovered from the severe headache.And our holy pagoda is said to be Country returning (home returning ) pagoda from this time until now .

Thanks to Ma Kay for Photo


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Inle Lake

                 Inle Lake        

Inle Lake, situated in Shan State, Myanmar, is well known for its natural beauty encircled by the  surrounding mountain ranges. Clear sky blue water  is the most significant feature of Inle Lake.
Inle Lake is  a place where one of the famous pagoda ,Phaung Daw U , exists. The route to  Inle Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda  is only by motor boat.
You can enjoy  riding a motor boat  over water catching your view on beautiful  mountain ranges encircling Inle Lake.
Here is  the photos enjoying  the ride over Inle Lake.



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  Thank you By AK2001

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Amazing Gravity Defying Golden Rock (Kyaik Htee Yoe)

 Amazing Gravity Defying Golden Rock (Kyaik Htee Yoe)

Golden Rock

     The Golden Rock is situated near Kyaik Hto, Mon State,Myanmar.  No wonder It is one of the most sacred Buddhist Pilgrimage Site and  is extremely heart touching serenity, holy and the priceless jewel to the people of Myanmar. It is the second most visited Pagoda after Shwedagon Pagoda.
       Location is isolated and almost far from the town. You need to walk nearly 6 hours to get there by foot from the Base Camp Kimpun. Now, transportation become easy with Cars and Cable to the mountain top.

A Brief Description

               A hair relic of Buddha is embedded in this Golden Rock and it is the main reason for Buddhist to pay homage to the Pagoda. The extremely large Golden Rock is located on the verge of the mountain top seemingly ready to fall down from the cliff of the mountain top to the bottom of the mountain. But to the wonder of everybody, it never did happen over  a long period of time and it rotated fully almost 360 degree  said by the survey of geologists. As for me, the position of the Golden Rock is extraordinary and hard to find the answer scientifically why the Rock does not  fall down to the ground from such a dangerous position with so much weight load.
Everybody of Myanmar including me believe that it is because of the power of the Hair of Buddha enshrined in the Golden Rock proving extraordinary and extra phenomenal.
   Come and visit to Kyaik Htee Yoe
if you have opportunities to come to  Myanmar to sight see the extraordinary Pagoda.

Sunset view from the mountain top of Kyaik Htee Yoe

The contact area of the golden rock and the edge of the boulder is relatively too small definitely defying gravity.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Magnificent Shwedagon Pagoda.


Shwedagon Pagoda is located in Yangon, Myanmar.

           It is a grandeur and pride of Myanmar mainly because of Gautama Buddha's hair relics and also the relics of the previous four Buddhas    enshrined underneath.

     It is not only sacred but also holy, magnificent, golden, powerful and also priceless to the people of Myanmar. It is my great honour to present this.

A Brief History

      Shwedagon Pagoda is constructed 2600 years ago by King Oakkalapa with the help of the two merchants who carried the hair relics of Buddha from India to Myanmar. According to the traditional legend, the Pagoda is built by the King and The Indra, the father of King. It is an interesting story between the King's father and mother. The King Oakkalapa mother is born out of a fruit named Lamu and then she is raised by a hermit by dropping milk from his fingers to feed her because she was born out of the fruit and so she has no parents to raise her. The hermit look after her and  when she grow up and become very beautiful , the Indra, being the King of Heaven, become falling in love with her and met with her. When the King Indra returned to heaven, princess Mel Lamu ,her name was given Mel Lamu because she was born out of Lamu fruit, missed him a lot. After knowing that the King Indra sent the divine water to Mel Lamu from heaven with the help of divine crow. When the Queens of the King Indra knew about that, they transformed their self into eagles and attacked the crow. So some divine water splashed into the river and drank by a female crocodile giving birth to the Mighty crocodile Nga  Moe Yeik. You can still find Nga Moe Yeik creek,named after the mighty Nga Moe Yeik, now in Yangon. After drinking the divine water sent from the King Indra, Mel lamu gave birth to King Oakkalapa. When building the Shwedagon Pagoda, the King Indra helped great assist in completing the Pagoda so that you can now find the statue of the King Indra in Shwedagon Pagoda.

Whether the above story is true or not, there are the evidences proving the existence of King Oakkalapa and his mother Mel Lamu can be seen even until today.
Finally, the great founders of the Pagoda are King Oakkalapa, the Indra King, the King of Heaven, and the two merchants brothers.
Here are the photos of ShweDagon attached below.

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            Thank you by AK2001

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Pindaya Cave

  Pindaya Cave         Pindaya cave is located in Shan State near Kalaw. It takes nearly two hour drive from Kalaw to reach there. The signi...